Buyer & Seller Tips; What to Expect & How to Prepare for a Home Inspection in Brooks, GA

Home inspections are a valuable resource for people looking to buy, sell, or maintain a home. A home inspection is exceptionally beneficial to people looking to buy a home. After a knowing, trained professional inspects the different elements of the home, from electrical and plumbing, to structural and roofing for example, any shortcomings will be…

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Buying a House with Polybutylene Pipes in Atlanta, GA; How to Identify, Cost of Replacing & More

Home inspectors frequently come across different elements of a home, that though may seem insignificant to the homeowner, the inspector understands the dynamics of the potential issue and catastrophes that can potentially happen. Today, we at Lifeline Home Inspections would like to relate the problems polybutylene piping are having in Georgia homes. Polybutylene Pipe Lawsuit…

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